Image of hands on typewriter, two dark haired man working in an office, and a dark haired man reading a book in a table

The Ultimate Infographic to Publishing Your Book

You’re probably the kind of person who wants publishing facts without the fluff and jargon. You want to understand the best way to publish your book without being side tracked or sold to by a bunch of salespeople trying to convince you to engage their publishing services.

Well, this is how this infographic can help.

In this post, I’ll break down the three main types of publishing in a simple, digestible, easy-to-understand infographic:

To read more detailed information about each option, just click the links above.

Remember, this is all based on my experience working with people who self publish, use a major publisher or an independent one for a non-fiction business book.

So, of course, your personal experience may slightly vary and I'd love to know how so please feel free to comment.

Also, please feel free to share this infographic via Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, using the (pre-populated) buttons below.

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The 5-Step Structure

to Write Anything

Kelly Irving

I’m an editor and writing coach with a love for deep-diving into brains and businesses. Through my one-to-one work and online program, I provide an action-by-action process that speeds up the time it takes to produce your best book, and turns overwhelm and self-doubt into momentum and excitement for writing.

The 5-Step Structure To Write Absolutely Anything by Book Coach Kelly Irving

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